The Latest - From Alan Gold

Find all the latest news, ideas and the business of writing from the Author


 Whenever I give a talk at a writer’s conference, one of the most frequently asked questions is where the ideas for my books come from. I also give tutorials to Creative Writing students, who often pose similar questions. Many of the students are working on their first major novel, but when I ask them what they’re planning for their second and subsequent novels, I’m invariably met with blank expressions.

And so, for people who want to write a book, I’ve written two streams of thought. One is simple tips for beginning or experienced writers on how to avoid common authorial problems; and the second stream deals with potential subjects for novels. If you want to write a book, but can’t think of a suitable topic, I offer some fabulous women whose stories may have once been told, but who deserve to be brought to life and given to a new readership.